Saturday, February 24, 2018

Say Jai Shri Ram and create positive energy: Importance of chanting Rama Nama

Hello friends first of all “ Jai Shri Ram ”

Below you can find how saying Jai Shri Ram in your daily life while wishing someone (before and after the conversation), before starting and completing your work including regular works like driving, eating, business work, etc can change your life and the surrounding environment as well.

Saying Jai Shri Ram was a common practice in ancient Bharat (India). But now most of us have forgotten to say these powerful words.

Meaning of Jai Shri Ram

First, let us know the meaning of the word “Jai Shri Ram”. Jai Shri Ram means victory to Lord Shri Ram. Here Shri means Mata Sita. So Jai Shri Ram means victory to Sita Ram.

jai shri ram - sita rama
jai shri ram – sita rama

Importance of the word Rama

Word Rama is known as Taraka namam or Taraka Mantra which is the most powerful mantra and help us in crossing the Bhavasagaram (ocean of Maya).

Word “RA” is taken from Ashtakshari mantra “ OM Namo NaRAya naya” and word “MA” is taken from panchakshari mantra “NaMA Sivaya”.

RA- is the bija aksharam in Astakshari mantra and MA is the bija askharam in Panchaskshari mantra.

So spelling RAMA means indirectly saying both Vishnu and Shiva mantra. For practicing or chanting a mantra, there are some rules which should be followed. But for saying the word “Jai Shri Ram” there are no rules or restrictions. Only devotion to Lord Rama is important.

Yogic importance

One more importance of the word Rama is that “RA” represents the mooladhara chakra (kundalini origin point) and “MA” represents the Sahasrara chakra (destination point where Kundalini energy needs to be reached). So by saying “RAMA” your kundalini energy will be raised.

If you say “Jai Shri Ram” before starting any work or conversation or to wish someone, positive energy will be generated within you. Which will help you in completing your work successfully or make your conversations with others fruitful. Saying Jai Shri Ram after the work will generate a feeling of peace inside you. Because after the work if you are saying “Jai Shri Ram” means you are keeping the fruits or karma’s of your work at Lord Shri Rama’s feet.

And when “Jai Shri Ram” was told loudly it will also create positive energy in the surrounding environment. Which will remove negative influences.

Lord Hanuman is the best example to show, how great a person can become by saying or Chanting “Jai Shri Ram”

Jai Shri Ram
Jai Shri Ram

So start saying “Jai Shri Ram” and you will get below

  1. Positive energy will be generated within you, which will help you in the successful completion of your goals
  2. Your Kundalini energy will be raised
  3. It will help you in crossing the Bhavasagaram (help in getting Moksha)
  4. Will create a positive impact on the environment by removing negative influences.
  5. You will have the blessings of Lord Shri Rama (RA – lord Vishnu and MA- lord shiva) and his great devotee Lord Hanuman.

Also, Read how to practice Karma yoga

“Jai Shri Ram”

Therefore Keep saying Jai Shri Ram and share this article with your friends and family.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

best quotes from Chanakya neeti which are very important in life

21 best quotes from Chanakya niti.

1.No disease is more deadly than desire (the sexual), no enemy is more dangerous than infatuation, no fire is hotter than the fire of wrath (extreme anger) and no happiness is better than the self-knowledge

2.Even the goals which are very difficult to achieve can be achieved by determination.  Nothing is impossible for a determined person.

3.One should always feel satisfied with his wife,  with his diet, and with his wealth. But one should never be satisfied with the knowledge one has, austerity, penance (Tapasya), and giving a donation to the deserved.

4.A person who is aware of future troubles, and fight against them with his intelligence will be always happy. And a person who remains inactive (without working ) waiting for good days to come will destroy his own life.

5.An evil (wrong) person is more dangerous than a Snake.  Because a snake will sting (injure) only once but the evil person will sting at every step.

best quotes from chanakya neeti
best quotes from Chanakya neeti

6.One should not live in a place where one will not get respect, where it is not possible to earn a livelihood, where there is no close friend/relative, and where there is no chance of getting good knowledge.

7.Reject a friend who talks sweetly on the face but tries to harm (or talk bad about you) in your absence. They are like delicious food mixed with poison.

8.One should save money to save oneself from bad situations/problems. Because no one can expect when a bad situation can arise.

9.A person who tries to get temporary things leaving aside the permanent things will lose both temporary and permanent things. should not spend his day without learning a sloka, without donating something, and without doing good work.

11.There will be no poverty for a hard-working person, there will be no papa for the person who does Japa, there will be no conflict for a silent person and there will be no fear for a person who is always alert. should fear only till he doesn’t know the reason for the fear. Once you find the reason for fear then you should fight against it with courage.

13. Human will take birth alone will die alone and will take the fruits of his karma alone.

best quotes from chanakya
best quotes from chanakya

14.Knowledge is the best friend during travel. Spouse is the best friend in the house. Medicine is the best friend during ill health and the dharma one followed will be the best friend after death.

15.In this world everything is volatile (will not be permanent) including money, property, life span, and place. Dharma followed by a person is the only permanent thing.

16.There is no great Tapasya (penance) than peace, there is no great happiness than satisfaction, there is no great disease than greediness and there is no great dharma than mercy.

17.One who doesn’t have the knowledge, Tapasya, mercy, patience, purity and one who doesn’t follow dharma are animals in the form of humans.

18.Goddess Laxmi will not bless a person who wears dirty clothes, who don’t keep himself clean, who eats more, who sleeps during sunrise and sunset.

Also, Read how to practice Karma Yoga

19.You should work for good things when you are young and healthy. Because you will not be able to do good things when you are old and ill.

20.He who gives up shyness while dealing with money, acquiring knowledge, eating, and in business becomes happy.

21.Money acquired in an illegal way may remain for some time but finally, it disappears along with the original amount.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

know what is Karma yoga and how to practice it

The word karma is derived from the Sanskrit word “Kri” meaning “to do”. All action is Karma. Karma yoga teaches, how a man can get “Moksha” by doing his duties. It teaches us the secret of work.

how to practice karma yoga
how to practice karma yoga

Karma Siddhanta (Karma Philosophy)

As per Karma yoga what all we do, physical or mental is Karma and it will have an effect on us.

What all is going on in one’s life is because of the previous karma’s one has done and the Karma’s which one will do now will decide one’s future.

Our karma determines what we deserve and what we can assimilate. We are responsible for what we are and whatever we wish ourselves to be. We have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in the future can be produced by our present actions.

Karma Yoga

According to karma yoga, the action one has done cannot be destroyed until it has borne its fruit. If you do evil actions you will suffer for it, if you do good actions you will enjoy good results.

But both good and bad Karma’s will bind you and will stop you from reaching one ultimate goal Moksha.  To achieve Moksha one should be free from Karma’s

So is it possible to stop doing Karma?  For a normal person, it is impossible. So Karma yoga teaches a method by which a person can achieve Moksha by doing his duties (Karma’s)

Also read how to practice Raja Yoga

Karma yoga says to do only good karma and at the same time don’t get attached to that karma. Means doing good work just for the sake of doing good and not expecting anything in return.

For example, if you want to donate “X” amount of money for charity, donate it only for the sake of helping others, and don’t expect name or fame from that action. And at the same time don’t have the attitude that you have donated it, feel blessed that god has chosen you as a postman to do that good activity.

So like this does your duty continuously just for the sake of doing duty and don’t get attached with the duty or result.

So how can we give up this attachment?

One of the best ways told in karma yoga to avoid this attachment is to give up the fruits of work to God. Don’t do bad and for whatever good work you have done, don’t claim any praise or benefit and offer them at lord’s feet.

Also, read Raja yoga

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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Know what is Raja Yoga and how to practice it

This article will help you to understand what is raja yoga and how you can use some of its principles, in an easy way so that you will also get some benefits of Raja Yoga.

What is Raja Yoga and what does it teach?

Raja Yoga is the science that teaches us how to gain the power of concentration. As per Raja Yoga human mind is the most powerful thing in the universe. Raja yoga teaches us, how we can observe the internal States (soul, mind, body) with the help of the mind. Here you should be careful that you are knowing about the mind (soul, mind, body) with the help of the Mind itself.

It says that by analyzing the mind, one will get to know the reality of the soul which is permanent and perfect. When a person realizes the soul which is perfect, he will have no more desires & miseries – there will be perfect Bliss. And this can be done only by concentration.

how to practice raja yoga
how to practice raja yoga

Raja yoga Practise

Study of Raja Yoga will take a long time and constant practice. A part of Raja Yoga is physical but in the main it is mental. Raja Yoga also talks about the link between the body and the mind. Like if the body is healthy, the mind will also be healthy. And if the mind is disturbed, the body also becomes disturbed. Both are interlinked. So Raja Yoga says that to get control over body and mind we must take certain physical help.

Raja Yoga says that the external world is the effect of an internal cause. This means by controlling the internal (mind), one will be able to get the whole of nature under his control. To say in simple words Raja Yoga says to get control over internal nature and through that control, the whole – both internal and external.

Raja Yoga says that one should not sleep more or less, one should not eat more or less, and one should not work more or less. Else control over the mind is very difficult.

Swami Vivekananda how to practice raja yoga
Swami_Vivekananda_Raja yoga

Now let us know how Raja Yoga can be practiced step by step. There are total 8 steps in Raja Yoga.

  1. Yama
  2.   Niyama
  3. Asana
  4. Pranayama
  5. Pratyahara
  6. Dharana
  7. Dhyana
  8. Samadhi

Yama and Niyama are moral training’s and without this, it’s impossible to reach the higher stages.


It means avoiding unnecessary violence, stealing, and receiving any gifts.


Niyama means cleanliness, being satisfied with what you have, austerity, study, and self-surrender to God.


The next step is Asana (Posture). Every day one should practice physical and mental exercises. one can choose Asana as per one’s wish but make sure your chest, neck, and head should be in a straight line while you are sitting in that asana. First nerves should be purified before going to Pranayama. Breathing in and out slowly in a rhythmic manner will help in cleaning the nerves.

Also read importance of reading Ramayana


Pranayama is all about controlling the Prana (vital force in every being). There are many different types of Pranayama. But below you can find one of the Pranayama told by Swami Vivekananda.

Close your right nostril and fill the lungs with breathing, through the left nostril for 4 seconds. Then close both the nostrils and hold the breath for 16 seconds. After that let outbreathe, through the right nostril for 8 seconds. It completes 1 Pranayama. Now repeat it by inhaling with the right nostril, holding it, and exhaling with the left nostril. Do only 4 Pranayamas in a day in the starting, later you can increase it with practice.

There is no need to exactly count this 4 seconds – 16 seconds – 8 seconds but do the inhaling, holding, and exhaling in the proportion. Pranayama also talks about how to raise Kundalini and more. But that should be practiced only in the presence of Guru (teacher).

Pratyahara and Dharana are all about reducing the thoughts in mind and fixing them on one single point. The human mind is the most restless thing in the universe. Controlling it is one of the difficult tasks. So now let us learn how to control it.


Sit alone for some time and let the mind run. Until you know what the mind is doing you cannot control it. Many thoughts will be coming and going. You just keep watching them. In the first few months, you will find that your mind will have a great many thoughts. Later you will find that they have somewhat reduced and in a few more months they will be fewer and fewer until at last the mind will be under perfect control. But we must patiently practice every day. This controlling of the mind and not allowing it to think of different things is pratyahara.

After you have practiced Pratyahara for a time, take the next step Dharana.


Dharana means holding the mind on one particular point. For example, the mind should be made to think of one point in the heart. That is a very difficult and easier way is to imagine a Lotus (full of light) there.


If the mind has been trained to remain fixed on a certain internal or external point, then an unbroken power of current will flow into it. This state is called Dhyana


When one has intensified the power of Dhayana, as to be able to reject the external part of perception and remain meditating only on the internal part then that state is called Samadhi.

Following even a small part of Raja Yoga will reduce nervous excitement, bring calmness, better health, improve concentration and enable us to see things more clearly.

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